Saturday, December 26, 2009

Neon Horse

So, do you like rock music from the 70's to 80's?
Glam Rock?
David Bowie?
But what if you want to listen to something that is Christian?
If that is the case, I have the band for you.
Check out Neon Horse.
They are different. Very good, but different.
Great music to listen to when stealing neighborhood signs, or when changing letters on other neighborhood signs.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Shofar and a Llama?

Click on this link.
Now scroll to the bottom of the page.
See the red slider that moves the page left and right?
Move it all the way to the right.
What do you see?

Friday, October 9, 2009

Red Green gets a job with NASA

So, NASA wanted to find out if there is any water on the moon.

Did they send a manned mission? Nope.

Did they send a rover like the Mars Mission? Nope.

They took an empty rocket hull, pointed it at the moon, then sent it at full speed into the moon. Just in case that was not enough, shortly after the first impact they sent a satellite behind it to also crash into the moon.

Ideally the resulting plume of moon dust could then be studied and scientists could possibly find a trace of water.

So, with all the expertise, knowledge, and technology at the disposal of NASA they basically come up with a plan that sounds like a Red Green idea. Literally. I am positive part of the satellite is (or at this point was) held together by duct tape, fishing line, and bungee cords.

Oh, and it cost 79 million dollars, if you were wondering. Just think of that next April 15.
Where did your tax money go?

Towards crashing space junk into the moon!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

The government stole my ipod

According to the US government, my family is in poverty. We make less than the poverty limit for a family of four. I think our breakfast this morning would prove otherwise.

We had oatmeal for breakfast. Everyone in the family eats it a little differently. The youngest likes cinnamon sugar and butter. The oldest likes peanut butter, cinnamon sugar, and brown sugar in hers. Mom likes walnuts and chokecherry syrup. I had peanut butter and brown sugar. Picture a table with all that food on it. Does that sound like a table in an impoverished household

My point? If this is poverty, I think the rest of the world would like to be impoverished the way we are in America. The World Bank figures that 1.4 billion people worldwide live on $1.25 or less a day. Based on taxes last year, we were nearly 40 times that limit.

I think that we are blessed.

Here is a random video.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Nature Biscuit Bible

Here is a quote from Archbishop Desmond Tutu to a forward to a new translation of the Bible:

"His (Jesus) supreme work is to reconcile us to God and to one another, and indeed, to reconcile all of us to God's creation. It is possible to have a new kind of world, a world where there will be more compassion, more gentleness, more caring, more laughter, more joy for all of God's creation, because that is God's creation. And God says, "Help me, help me, help me realize my dream."

This is from the Green Bible, an NRSV translation that places text of scripture that are of importance to the environmental crisis in green (of course).  For those that are interested, the NRSV comes from the KJV.  The KJV begat the American Standard Version, which begat the Revised Standard Version, which begat the New Revised Standard Version. 

So, what passages are in green you wonder?  I am glad you asked.  Here is a selection that I found skimming this Bible.

Genesis 1, 2:1-12.  This is an interesting selection.  Genesis 2:11-12 mentions the river Pishon and the land around it.  It is in green.  The next verse the river Gihon, and is not in green. Are some rivers more green than others?  Ah well, moving on.

Daniel 2:22  
"He reveals deep and hidden things, He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him."
I am not sure what about this verse is "green". Any ideas?

Matthew 4:4
"But He answered 'It is written, one does not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes for the mouth of God.'"
Green?  I guess.

2nd Corinthians 2:17
"For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God's word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ."

A good verse.  I have no problems with it, but how is it green?  

I could go on. My point is that this version of the Bible is being published to push an environmental agenda. No surprise there, and I doubt that the publisher and editor would disagree. Is this really going to change the debate on environmentalism?  Printing a Bible on recycled paper with soy ink (maybe the Matthew 4 passage can be interpreted by us as actually eating the Bible?) may make a few people feel good about making a difference, but that is all it will do. Including an essay in the Bible entitled "Jesus is coming--Plant a Tree!" may make Al Gore smile, but does it make any difference to supposed anthropogenic global warming?


In the preface to the Green Bible, it describes how passages were chosen.  One of the reasons is 
"How all the elements of creation-land, water, air, plants, animals, humans-are interdependent."

Is that statement true? No.  The sun, center of our solar system, is not interdependent on humans.  Yet it most certainly is part of creation.  Or maybe they are just referring to creation here on earth?  Even then the statement does not work. While human beings are certainly dependent on water for life, water is not dependent on us to exist. For items to be interdepentent they would need to depend on each other, yet water and humans do not seem to. Humans can affect water quality, but the water still exists.  It is still water.  Without water, humans do not exist. That seems to be a very odd form of interdependence.  A casual read of Genesis would seem to indicate that water and humans were not created in a manner that would cause both to mutually depend on each other.  In fact, water seems to be around before humans. Yet if we are mutally dependent on each other, how did that happen? 

I could continue but you get the point. Christians should care about the environment. That is a given.  But the priorities and philosophy behind much of the work of this Bible do not appear to be consistent or factual.  Skip this Bible and simply enjoy God's creation, instead of reading why you should feel guilty for destroying it.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Artdog and Catman in 20 years

My wife was watching this video (she finds the oddest things online) and commented that this could be Artdog and Catman in 20 years.  The drummer's expression at the beginning especially reminded her of Artdog. 
In fact, she just about fell off the futon laughing at the idea.
It is time for all odd wives to go to bed now.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sotomayor is only for some Amendments, can you guess which one she doesn't like?

Here is a link to a story about the potential next Supreme Court Justice appointed by Obama.

Basically, Sotomayor says that the states get to choose whether or not to follow the Second Amendment.  She bases her decision on a poor interpretation of a previous decision back in the 1800's (read the story if you want to know more). So I wonder what other rights the states get to choose to allow citizens to have?
  • Does she think that the states can choose to get rid of the right of trial by jury?
  • Since the newspapers are dying, do we still need a freedom of the press? Outdated if you ask me.  
  • Maybe the 13th amendment, you know the one outlawing slavery, is actually a state decision.  Then white people could be enslaved as well, making the world a much more fair place to people like Sotomayor.
  • How about poll taxes?  Can some states charge to vote?  Then only rich elites could vote. That sounds like a good state right.
Would the states choosing rights extend beyond the amendments? Could the states also have fun with other parts of the Constitution such as Article IV? Maybe people can begin to flee from one state to another when committing crimes?  Instead of a city of refuge we could have entire states! This could be a way for states to get people to move in and increase tax revenue.

So, what silly extra part of the Constitution do you want to give to the states?  I think Sotomayor should be a verb to describe the action of taking a section of the Constitution of the US and giving it over to the states.  
With that in mind, what part of the Constitution do you want to sotomayor (extra credit for which state as well and why)?  

Monday, May 18, 2009


Ok I need to rant.  If you do not care for what I have to say, then don't read.  Usually I provide links to articles, in case you want to read what I have read and comment on my interpretations and to help provide sources.  Today, no links. I just need to complain.

With that said, let me now comment on the pathetic condition of the Church in America as shown by Miss California, Carrie Prejean.  Her claim to fame seems to be that she believes marriage should be between a man and a woman, and she said so during the Miss America competition. The question was a loaded question, asked by a homosexual that was pushing his agenda.  And she did a good job responding to the question.  And she did not win the competition.  That should be the end of the story.  But it wasn't. Far from it.

Miss Prejean soon became, rather quickly, a symbol and a martyr for the evangelical movement (she has said she is an evangelical Christian) to help fight the homosexual push to change the laws regarding marriage.  Here is an attractive, succesful woman and she is a Christian.  Hooray! Suddennly we had someone on our side that had all the right markings to be a success in the world and make Christianity look better, more marketable and attractive.  But often when we try to make things marketable, you can lose much of the instrinsic worth that made the item worth marketing in the first place.  

Take Miss Prejean.  We are to hold her as a role model for all of us, at least that is what I am hearing so much from various sources, Christian and wordly (though all conservative).  Yet, here is a young lady that has had plastic surgery to enhance her looks to win a beauty pagent and posed nude.  Yeah, great role model.  Just how I hope my daughters grow up to be.  An organization called National Organization for Women has picked her to be a spokesperson.  Not sure who they are but I am guessing I won't be supporting them.  

I live in a free country.  All of what she has done is legal.  All that has been done to her is legal. The question asked of her was loaded, but life is not always fair. We have the right to free speech in this country, but that right allows others to disagree with us.  Ok, so I have no problems here.

I just don't see how, as a Christian with a capital C, one can defend her actions. Morally, ethically, theologically, philosophically, and just plain common sense says that if you belive that the Bible is the living Word you try to live by it.  That does not mean you have to be perfect.  That does not mean you can't make mistakes and sin (Let the one with no sin throw the first stone), but choosing actions that directly go against the Bible just ain't right.  It is no different than two "christian" men living together in "marriage".  Both are living "christian" lives, yet living a life that directly conflicts with the teaching of the Bible, which is what God said.  Am I way off base here?  

The reason I am ranting and dragging the Church into this is that I have not heard condemnation from the Church regarding this.  It is probably out there, and I am sure some have spoken.  But should I have to go searching for it, looking to find out that Miss Prejean aint the Proverbs 31 women that DC talk was singing about.  

Sorry, I know that I said no links but I needed to include something to lighten the mood for a second.

Maybe I am missing something.  Maybe our scripture has changed and nudity is now acceptable if one is a model, since models do not need to be concerned with passages regarding modesty. Maybe implants are now scriptural, for it does say in Psalm 23 my cup runneth over. Maybe I am just an old fashioned guy that needs to get with the times.  

Or maybe the Church is the proverbial frog in the water, and the water is starting to boil.

Ugh.  I need to go listen to FIF now.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A discussion on Socialism

I was in class on Tuesday, and learned that socialism is alive and well in America today.
As a discussion was slowly moving from a look at the current culture of college age students to other topics, an older than average student in class decides that all the problems currently faced today can be blamed on capitalism, which is obviously evil.  Being rather astonished, I make the rather sensible claim that capitalism itself is not evil.  I was looked at rather oddly and the teacher moved on with the topic before the conversation went down a road she was not interested in pursuing.

After class, Shirley (the student) felt that she needed to convert me to socialism.  Here is a rough recollection of how the conversation went:

Shirely:  "But don't you think that we need to return to socialism now that we can see how much capitalism has hurt everyone?"

Me:  "No.  We cannot return to something that we have never been, and socialism is not the answer to our problems. "

S:  "Just look at all the Hardees and McDonalds.  All the mom and pop stores are closed.  That's sad.  That is what these greedy capitalistic companies have done."

Me:  "Under socialism, you would not have mom and pop stoes either. They will be run by the government."

S:  "No, that would be communism."

Me:  "No, under socialism the desire for profit and the attempt to make a profit is punished. Why work hard and have your own business if you have to give large amounts of your income to the government?  Just work at a store own by a company or the government and earn the same by working less."

S:  "But look at France.  There, people only work 35 hours a week, everyone gets 5 weeks of vacation a year, everyone gets free maid services in their house.  Don't you want a life like that?"

Me:  "France has also struggled with high unemployment at various times in the last few years, has had riots in the streets because people can't find work, executives at companies are held hostage during contract negotiations, strikes are common, and they have one of the largest tax burdens in Europe." (If I had been more clear headed and not surprised I might have suggested that she move there and let me live in America, but alas I did not).

S:  "But people have free healthcare.  Isn't that something that we should all have?"

Me:  "The healthcare is not free.  You are paying for it with your taxes."

S:  "Fine.  If I can get healthcare they can tax me more.  At least I will have free healthcare."

Me:  "No, you will have taxed, government run,  healthcare."

S:  "Whatever. But don't you think that socialism would benefit us all?  I mean, don't you see how America has infected the rest of the world?"

Me:  Here I really do not remember exactly what I said. I was too surprised to say anything.  I do remember disagreeing with her.  This viewpoint is completely alien to me.

S:  "Just think on it tonight.  I think you will understand better."

Me:  "I respectfully disagree. I will not be thinking on it tonight, or ever."

Yeah, maybe I wasn't really disagreeing respectfully.  I was trying to not lose my cool.  I was simply amazed at the idea that America is destroying the world.  No talk of Ahmadinejad and his desire to destroy another country with nuclear weapons.
I could have answered her questions much better, but at the time was more surprised than anything.  
How long until I talk with a student defending Stalin and his policies?

Monday, April 13, 2009

My wife made a apron

My wife made an apron*. She is irrationally happy about it. 

This makes my life happier.

Therefore, I like my wife's apron, even if it is goofy looking. My first memory of my wife is seeing her wearing a goofy hat. 

I thought she was odd.
Now she wears goofy aprons.

*Note:  Not actual apron.  My wife's is much goofier.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Seals to the Rescue

During the standoff between the US Navy and the pirates over a hostage, many people have wondered why don't we send in the Seals?  
Pirates that the AP interviewed for the story (it always amazes me what kind of people the AP is able to interview) said that they are out for revenge.  The US is now their number one enemy.  
Maybe they missed the part where the Seals took out three pirates at once, at night, in choppy waters, and the hostage was completely unharmed.  
So, to Abdullahi, Jamac, and any other pirate that feels like capturing American ships and killing hostages, think again.  You may be able to kill some Americans, but the US Navy is going to come looking for you.  And an AK-47 is not going to do much damage to this. (OK, it could damage it but the MK V has enough firepower and speed you probably shouldn't try.)
One other thought.  International Law either needs to be changed or the US needs to start disregarding it.  The law for International shipping is that the crew is not allowed to be armed. Fine. Then hire some former Marines to be security for these ships. Not allowing weapons or soldiers on these boats seems to make these a slight target for the Somalis, among others.  It seems like just a small change like that would work. Maybe the founding fathers had an idea when they included the 2nd amendment. (For a laugh read this pdf put out by the International Maritime Organization where they suggest shining bright lights on pirates and spraying them with hoses but not to use guns because it may escalate the situation and cause attackers to carry guns too.  Page 11 is funny.)

Finally, a big thanks to the Seals.  The military may not be real popular with many, but you have shown why we need you. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My wife says I am crazy

My wife says I am crazy because I want an older diesel vehicle, such as a diesel Toyota.  But here is the proof that maybe I am not crazy (or at least not for my want of an old diesel).  Here are three links to 3 videos from a British TV show where they try to destroy an older Hilux diesel.  I will admit they go a bit easy on the truck at times, but I was still impressed by how the truck held up, especially after the last trial.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

An Economic Imperative for Abortion?

One way to measure the success of a society is how it cares for those that are unable to care for themselves, such as the unborn.  Based on that, I just read an article that would suggest our society and culture are utter failures.  

The article states that an unwed mother and her boyfriend made the right decision in getting an abortion of their fourth child because the boyfriend lost his job and the economy was so bad they didn't think they could afford the fourth child.  I am deeply grieved by the choice to kill the baby before it ever had a chance at life.  But then a talking head at PBS tells us that this is a good thing, and we should be proud of this family for making the right decision in these difficult times. That sent me over the top.  

I need to cry now.

Monday, March 2, 2009

A reason NOT to join the Obama Cabinet

Unless you want to be kissed by Obama. 
Here is the new Health and Human Services Secretary, Governor of Kansas Kathleen Sebelius. I guess Obama is happy to have her in his cabinet.

Note:  Apparently the picture is of Obama about to kiss her on the cheek, though it doesn't look that way.  

Thursday, February 19, 2009

True Sportsmanship

Not too long ago there was a ladies high school basketball game where one team won 100-0.  The winning coach had no class, as his goal was not just to win but to score 100.  Well, here is a different basketball story that is also from the high school ranks.  I am not going to write about it, as the two links I am providing more than do justice to the story.  I will just say that sportsmanship is alive and well in Illinois and Wisconsin.  If my kids ever play sports I pray that they have a coach like Dave Rohlman.
Enjoy the best sports story I have heard in a couple of years.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Ronald Regan

Today is Ronald Reagan's'es'* Birthday.

Happy Birthday Mr. President.

On a brief side note, it may also be my birthday today, since I was born on the same day as Reagan but 68 years later. If you are still looking for a gift, here is a website for your consideration: Icon 4X4
I would prefer a FJ 45 from them, but will take any model you purchase.
Please note that I do not promise to give a gift back on your birthday of equal value.

*the odd punctuation is added for my wife, since she abhors mistakes made with punctuation and speelin'. This may be because she came in third in the state spelling bee many many years ago.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Addition to the Al Gore post on Mercury and Venus

I forgot to mention the fact that Venus is three times hotter than Mercury.  Well, that is true and false.
The temp of Venus is usually in the ballpark of 740 degrees Kelvin.  
The temp of Mercury is the more variable temperature.  See, at night it can get down to 100 degrees Kelvin.  But during the day, Mercury gets to 720 degrees Kelvin. If you average the temperatures you can get it to sound like Venus is 3 times hotter than Mercury. 

But those are just the averages. 

It is true that Mercury flucuates because it has no atmosphere (it is small and the solar wind keeps it from having much atmosphere) and Venus stays warm due to its atmosphere.  But to say that Venus is three times warmer makes it sound like Mercury is always cold.  720 degrees Kelvin equals out to almost 840 degrees Farenheit. So it is hot.  And it is hot because it is close to the sun.  

Being 43 million miles from from a giant ball of nuclear fusion will do that to you.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Al Gore talks to the Senate

So late in January, Al Gore spoke before the Foreign Relations Committee on global warming.  Why to the Foreign Relations Committee?  Good question. Environment and Public Works would make more sense you might think, but you have to think a bit more politically and less logically. Richard Lugar is the ranking Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee.  And he believes in anthropogenic (man made) global warming.  On Environment and Public Works the ranking Republican is James Inhofe, a man that has been a thorn in Al Gore's side for years.  So Al goes to speak with friends, instead of someone that may ask him a difficult question.

Now for some excerpts of what the silly man (Gore) said.  Gore tries to scare us (again) by going into detail regarding the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere, and then comparing it to Venus. Well, I am no scientist but his statement is plain silly by any method of logic.  Here is a quote from Gore:

"The difference is that the average annual temperature on earth is 59 degrees and on Venus it's 855 degrees and it rains sulfuric acid, not the kind of weather forecast you would like to wake up to. Not because Venus is closer to the sun, it's three times hotter than Mercury that is next to the sun. It is the CO2 and this illustrates why it is a problem to follow a global strategy to pull out as much carbon out of the atmosphere as quickly as possible and burning it in ways that leave it in the atmosphere."

Ok, so here goes some basic logic for you.  Yes, Venus is hotter. Part of the reason is that it is closer.  Part of the reason is the CO2.  But here are some CO2 facts for you.  965,000 parts per million of the Venusian atmosphere is CO2.  If that percent occurred here on Earth, it would certainly be very hot. But the percent on Earth?  Oh, about 380 parts per million.  That works out to be .038%.  That is the number that he is concerned about.  Because before the Industrial Revolution the number was about 280 parts per million. So for our planet to be as warm as Venus we only have 964,620 parts per million to go!  Obviously we are not going to get there anytime soon.  Or ever, to be perfectly honest.  Besides, if it is gases that sequester solar energy and create the greenhouse effect, water vapor is more common (about 8000 parts per million) and acts similarly to co2 as far as warming is concerned.

To finish, look closely at the picture I put on of Gore in his office. Notice the three computer screens that are on, as well as the TV. Very energy efficient. Don't worry though, the carbon has been sequestered.  

In the atmosphere.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I get to own a dog park!

This guy wants to create a dog park in the Twin Cities.  And he wants me to pay for it.  
Let me explain.  MN had a constitutional amendment on the ballot this year, which asked if you would like to increase sales tax (by 3/8 of one percent) to pay for things like clean water, arts, culture, and the outdoors. Well I guess a dog park counts as one of those things, because it has been proposed down in the state legistature.  And the aformentioned legislator is the one who proposed it.
This is a perfect reason I am against more and more taxes.  Instead of doing something good, they decide to spend a million dollars on a dog park.  Real important. I can see the debate now.

House Rep 1: We need a dog park.
House Rep 2: Should we help the homeless with our illgotten tax funds?
House Rep 1: No, dogs need an environment that is less stressful and chaotic in the sustainable urban core which they can meander and sniff.  A park is necessary for dogs, for if they sniff and explore in the inner city, they may breathe in fumes and toxins.  In the long run, we will save money by not having to spend money to help the poor dogs that don't have health care.
House Rep 2: Right then. Cheerio good chap (apparently house rep 2 is from England for some odd reason).

So, anyone want to visit my dog park in 2010?

Sarah Palin enters DC politics, again

Sarah Palin is keeping her name in the news, and has started a new political action committee.  
I feel like I should not mention the name of the PAC, but I suppose I have to.
Here it goes.
I am never a fan when one includes their own name in a business/political entity. Maybe this is just my thinking, but one might as well yell 
I remember thinking the same thing when Hillary Clinton formed HillPAC, the now defunct PAC.
And if you go to the link for SarahPAC, look at the logo. The continental 48 with Alaska inside. My question is "Where did Hawaii go?"  Maybe she wishes Hawaii was not a state, then she could be Vice President right now, instead of the next Dan Quayle. (after viewing that video, go here.)

Seriously, though, the signifigance of this new PAC is yet to be seen.  Palin has good ideas and a large following, but changing the party won't be easy.
Here is an excerpt from her page:

Dedicated to building America's future, supporting fresh ideas and candidates who share our vision for reform and innovation. 

SarahPAC believes America's best days are ahead. Our country, founded on conservative principles and the fight for freedom, must confront the challenges of the 21st century with integrity, innovation, and determination.

SarahPAC believes energy independence is a cornerstone of the economic security and progress that every American family wants and deserves.

SarahPAC believes the Republican Party is at the threshold of an historic renaissance that will build a better future for all. Health care, education, and reform of government are among our key goals. Join us today.

Some of the topics she is bringing up makes me a bit curious about how she is positioning herself. With health care and education being at the top of her list, I have to wonder if she is going a little to the left?  She also talks about energy independence, something most Americans agree is important, but drastically disagree with how to accomplish it.  

Not much for actual information, but it sounds like a good start.  With Ron Paul in one corner, Sarah Palin in another, the Republican party could start to get interesting.  If they keep it up, there just may be room in the party for me (but I won't be holding my breath).  As long as big city elitists control the party (for example John McCain winning the primaries) I shall happily be independent and vote for whomever I like. 

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Crazy Bill

Bill Ayers was recently interviewed by an NBC affiliate in Chicago (here is the story) regarding Obama winning the Presidency. I won't go through the article, you can read it if you want, but do want to point out a few things.

Here is a direct quote from Ayers:
"I couldn't stop crying a couple of times. I found the exact spot where I was beaten 40 years ago," Ayers said. But I've never been in a crowd that large that wasn't edged with either anger or drunkenness or gluttony, and it was really an extraordinary feeling."

I think that quote would say more about Ayers himself than it does about Obama winning. The context of the quote is Ayers standing in the same place in Chicago where he lead riots and against the Democratic convention back in '68. I guess he is used to being with angry drunks.

Then there is this quote by his wife:
"Without the struggles of the 60s ... there would be no President Obama," Dohrn

I guess they figure that if it wasn't for their terrorism (which they call "activism"), Obama would not be President today. The ends justify the means, it appears. How they never went to jail I will never understand.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Obama tests new powers

Spike Lee claimed Bush destroyed the dikes in New Orleans that wiped out the 8th Ward.

Obama has promised change, and he has delivered. Instead of attacking the south, Obama has decided to flood the north.

This unedited photo is proof Obama tried to flood our daughters room at approximately 11:00 central time tonight. There he is, in the water, planning to shut down Guantanamo Bay and flood an innocent child's room. If this is not proof enough, I don't know what is.

Disturbing? Yes.
If Spike Lee can blame the flooding of an entire city on Bush, I figure a rookie President is probably up to flooding the room of my 3 year old and almost two year old.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Kardelen sleeps underwater

About 45 minutes ago, I was sitting in the living room and I heard splashing. Curious, I went to find the source of the sound. In the girls room I noticed that the ceiling had sprung a leak, and water was flowing freely. Kinda like a room flowing with milk and honey, only it was warm water instead of milk and honey. And it was 11:00 or so at night. Antics ensued.

Heather may post on this later. I think she took a picture or two. I don't remember.

Luckily, the girls themselves were never hit with water. Sofia is asleep, but Kardelen seems a little too awake. We have moved her mattress to our room. We shall see if anyone sleeps much tonight. More antics may ensue. Kardelen is asking to play games right now. I am sleepy, as it is almost midnight.

Heather wants the computer, so I had better go. It sounds like we may be without water for a day or so. I think I am getting used to that.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Islamic public school in MN?

Ever have one of those moments where you find yourself agreeing with an organization that normally you detest?
That has just happened to me.  The ACLU of Minnesota is going after a charter school in MN that is called the Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy.  They argue that this school is using taxpayer money to promote religion.  The academy disagrees, but has yet to make any public statements.  I say that they disagree because they are careful to not promote Islam on their website.  They are trying to just be an "Arab" school, or so it appears to me.
In Minnesota, every charter school is required by the state to have a sponsor.  This school's sponsor is an organization called Islamic Relief Worldwide.  I don't know much about them, but I will be looking at their website, as many likely have already.
Not too many public schools in Minnesota that I am aware have time off for eid al fitr (the end of Ramadam) or eid al adha, which occurs during the hajj and is a time to remember Abraham and his almost sacrificing Ishmael before a ram appears.  In Islam, it is stated that Ishmael, not Isaac, was the one to be sacrificed. Anyway, this school year the students got September 26 to October 3 off for eid al fitr, and December 8-12 off for eid al adha.  Back in school I just may have agreed to be a Muslim if I could have gotten 12 extra days off of class.  This gives them 167 total days of school for 2008, as opposed to the 173 to 177 that most schools have and that is recommended by the state.  
Where will this case go?  Beats me.  I could easily see this going a number of directions. I will do some more reading about this on the schools site and the relief groups site and see what I learn. Personally, I am still a bit surprised the ACLU took on this case. I wonder how long it will be before Keith Ellison has something to say on this....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

7mm 08

Since my wife is posting on girly things, I thought I would post something a bit more manly.
I am considering getting a 7mm 08 as my hunting rifle.  Model 11G Hunter Series
The above gun is what I am thinking about getting.
For those that do not feel like clicking on the picture, the gun is a Savage 11G. 
That is about all I know.  It is cheaper than some other companies guns, and it comes in a 7mm o8, which seems like a good deer hunting option.  Or so other places I have read say.  

The only downside that I can see is that it is wood. I may need to get a gun with a sythetic stock to help when I am hiding underwater breathing through a reed.

But don't you realize, that's where I sail!

The above statement was uttered by Ted Kennedy. See, there has been a plan since 2001 to build a wind farm in the ocean off the coast of Massachusetts. Normally, a good democrat like Kennedy would be likely to support alternative energy. The problem is, Kennedy will be able to see this windfarm from his house. This would give him, and the other millionaire and billionaires that live in the area, a less than picture perfect view.
A group was formed to protect the "environment", but the government has just said that the windfarm would not have any major environmental impacts.
Personally, I have no problem with Kennedy being against the windfarm, except for one little thing. He is for windfarms, and has stated such. He is simply a hypocrite.
It may be time for Kennedy to get used to the idea of a windfarm, since it is likely that Obama will be for the project.  If you heard the inaugural speech today, it is likely that Cape Cod will get a new wind farm.
Will it save the world from global warming? No. 
Does the fact that Kennedy has been fighting this for years only because it is in his backyard make me laugh?  Yes.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Berets and such

My wife likes to wear odd hats.

Such as this hat.

Or this hat (scroll down to the bottom).

Or this hat.

And even this hat.

But this is her favorite hat, since she loves chihuahuas.