Thursday, April 2, 2009

An Economic Imperative for Abortion?

One way to measure the success of a society is how it cares for those that are unable to care for themselves, such as the unborn.  Based on that, I just read an article that would suggest our society and culture are utter failures.  

The article states that an unwed mother and her boyfriend made the right decision in getting an abortion of their fourth child because the boyfriend lost his job and the economy was so bad they didn't think they could afford the fourth child.  I am deeply grieved by the choice to kill the baby before it ever had a chance at life.  But then a talking head at PBS tells us that this is a good thing, and we should be proud of this family for making the right decision in these difficult times. That sent me over the top.  

I need to cry now.


  1. You're right. Thanks for blogging about it.

    Jesus always tells us to take care of the poor, widows, orphans. . .I think unborn children would be included, too.

  2. That's disgusting, despicable (not sure how 2 spell that), downright DETESTABLE!

  3. I have talked with my eldest son a number of times about our situation when his mom was pregnant with him. She was 17, I was 18. I spent a short time in jail during her pregnancy, we had nothing (we did both have good supportive parents), we had no money, we had no future. We did it all wrong. We told him about how some people advised us of different "options". For some reason, he doesn't agree that abortion would have been a very good option. Enough said.

  4. The Bible also says not to murder.A unborn baby is a person.
