Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A discussion on Socialism

I was in class on Tuesday, and learned that socialism is alive and well in America today.
As a discussion was slowly moving from a look at the current culture of college age students to other topics, an older than average student in class decides that all the problems currently faced today can be blamed on capitalism, which is obviously evil.  Being rather astonished, I make the rather sensible claim that capitalism itself is not evil.  I was looked at rather oddly and the teacher moved on with the topic before the conversation went down a road she was not interested in pursuing.

After class, Shirley (the student) felt that she needed to convert me to socialism.  Here is a rough recollection of how the conversation went:

Shirely:  "But don't you think that we need to return to socialism now that we can see how much capitalism has hurt everyone?"

Me:  "No.  We cannot return to something that we have never been, and socialism is not the answer to our problems. "

S:  "Just look at all the Hardees and McDonalds.  All the mom and pop stores are closed.  That's sad.  That is what these greedy capitalistic companies have done."

Me:  "Under socialism, you would not have mom and pop stoes either. They will be run by the government."

S:  "No, that would be communism."

Me:  "No, under socialism the desire for profit and the attempt to make a profit is punished. Why work hard and have your own business if you have to give large amounts of your income to the government?  Just work at a store own by a company or the government and earn the same by working less."

S:  "But look at France.  There, people only work 35 hours a week, everyone gets 5 weeks of vacation a year, everyone gets free maid services in their house.  Don't you want a life like that?"

Me:  "France has also struggled with high unemployment at various times in the last few years, has had riots in the streets because people can't find work, executives at companies are held hostage during contract negotiations, strikes are common, and they have one of the largest tax burdens in Europe." (If I had been more clear headed and not surprised I might have suggested that she move there and let me live in America, but alas I did not).

S:  "But people have free healthcare.  Isn't that something that we should all have?"

Me:  "The healthcare is not free.  You are paying for it with your taxes."

S:  "Fine.  If I can get healthcare they can tax me more.  At least I will have free healthcare."

Me:  "No, you will have taxed, government run,  healthcare."

S:  "Whatever. But don't you think that socialism would benefit us all?  I mean, don't you see how America has infected the rest of the world?"

Me:  Here I really do not remember exactly what I said. I was too surprised to say anything.  I do remember disagreeing with her.  This viewpoint is completely alien to me.

S:  "Just think on it tonight.  I think you will understand better."

Me:  "I respectfully disagree. I will not be thinking on it tonight, or ever."

Yeah, maybe I wasn't really disagreeing respectfully.  I was trying to not lose my cool.  I was simply amazed at the idea that America is destroying the world.  No talk of Ahmadinejad and his desire to destroy another country with nuclear weapons.
I could have answered her questions much better, but at the time was more surprised than anything.  
How long until I talk with a student defending Stalin and his policies?


  1. Yeah, you should check out yahoo answers. I've told a couple of people they should pack thier bags.
    Well, what are you supposed to say 2 people who disagree with "one nation under God" and think that America ought 2 be communist?

  2. In case she doesn't know, the Chinese citizens didn't begin to prosper until the government let loose a little bit and let a tiny bit of capitalism operate. They then began to prosper financially. Besides all that, it was government control that extended the great depression with the so called "new deal". Free enterprise always works itself out. Government control always fails. My goodness, if these people want what other countries have, I'm sure they could make the transfer. Leave this country the way it was intended to be.

  3. It is scary how diceived some of the American people are. I can't believe that they want the government to control every aspect of their lives. You should see some of the comments on Me's blog. She has a real socialist writing comments.

  4. how pathetic that this is how some people think!!! my goodness, with her "government run healthcare" people DIE waiting for simple surgeries (like in Canada). Yeah, its great i tell ya. Next comes people being euthanized to save the government money. it never stops. I read that in China they went out and found people guilty of crimes (such as tax evasion), killed them and when they were returned (the bodies to the families), they were missing organs. What a great form of organ donation. Gosh who doesn't want the government to control every aspect of our lives?

  5. She doesn't understand the difference between socialism and communism, does she?!
