Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Fashion: Ninja style

There are those that have asked for a post on fashion. Since the only fashion I can post on is ninja fashion, here we go.

1. Wear black

Camouflage does not work as well at night. Unless the moon is really bright. And you should ask yourself what are you doing sneaking around vandalizing property on a moonlit night. Everyone knows you wait for a darker night.

2. Match your shades of black

Black can come in different shades. Dark black, charcoal, 100,000 mile motor oil, Michael Jackson (actually changes colors from dark to light like the old hypercolor shirts), black forest, black forest at night, etc. If you are not careful with your choices of black, you will be seen as you scale a building to steal the latest Versace designs. Remember, black is not a lack of color but the combination of all colors, so if the mix of colors isn't equal, you can end up with black forest instead of black forest at night.

3. Accessories

Always important. The naginta is often unnecessary, merely slowing down a mission. Best to always have caltrops, throwing stars, climbing shoes and gloves, a breathing straw made to look like a reed, smoke bombs, collapsible grappling hook, mission specific equipment, and animal crackers.

4. Don't save money on a balaclava

There are areas where you can save a few dollars. Your balaclava (or ninja mask if you enjoy being so yesterday) needs to conceal your identity, instill fear in your enemies, yet wick away moisture and breathe so you don't have to scratch your head. You also want the fabric on the side of your eyes to be tight to the side of your head. A small pucker in the fabric can reduce peripheral visibility by as much as 8.9% in each eye. That could mean be the difference between a stolen sign and jail time.

5. Be confident

No matter how well designed your outfit is or how good it looks, it doesn't mean much if you don't exude confidence. Ninjas must instill fear in their opponent so they can escape with whatever items we have been hired to re appropriate. Lack of confidence can lead to poor posture, and poor posture can lead to noise. Slumping shoulders and a bent over posture can cause even the stealthiest ninja to make as much noise as a cat on carpet. Not good. Remember, you are a ninja. Act like it.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Well, I decided to do the occasional post I will call odd websites.

1. Office max will guess what you want for Christmas. I laughed, but just a little.

2. Man was created 450,000 years ago by aliens called the Anunnaki. To bolster his argument he uses the book of Genesis. OK. Moving right along to number 3.

3. And the best link of all. Weird Al spoofing a Bob Dylan video.

Randy Foye or Brandon Roy

Roy just went for 52 points in a win against the Suns.
For some reason I feel like I did when Ray Allen was scoring like mad years ago...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The auto industry

I am probably wrong on this, so feel free to correct me.
The government tells us it needs to gives gobs of money (the technical term) to help Ford, GM, and Chrysler or else the sky will fall. Or something equally bad.
Let us compare Toyota and GM and see if all the car companies are struggling as much as the American companies.
Toyota sold 9.3 million cars worldwide last year. Just a few thousand short of GM, so essentially the same number. Toyota made about 17 billion dollars, where GM lost about 38 billion dollars.
Toyota has certain advantages that helped it make money, but GM has different benefits yet managed to lose the equivalent of 65% of Bill Gates fortune. That is a lot of money. And now the taxpayers are supposed to write a blank check for them as well as the banking and insurance companies.
On second thought, maybe it is not fair to compare the two companies.
Oh well, life isn't always fair, is it?

First Post

Here is my first post to introduce you to this new blog.
The world could use another blog I figure, so here it is.
This blog is not designed to make lots of money or solve any major problems.
The goal is simply to share what I think and let people share what they think.
Feel free to disagree with me.  I know I am wrong, but I am very unclear what I am wrong about.
I plan to write about a variety of subjects.