Thursday, December 18, 2008

Well, I decided to do the occasional post I will call odd websites.

1. Office max will guess what you want for Christmas. I laughed, but just a little.

2. Man was created 450,000 years ago by aliens called the Anunnaki. To bolster his argument he uses the book of Genesis. OK. Moving right along to number 3.

3. And the best link of all. Weird Al spoofing a Bob Dylan video.


  1. Oh, those were fun to watch again.

    Now I will be thinking of babies dooming yams, oozy rats in sanitary zoos, and tofu ufo's for the rest of the night.


  2. very interesting mr. ninja man. can i have some fashion advice????

  3. your blog very beautiful and more info

  4. I am torn between fear and intense curiosity. Should I click on #3 or will I be traumatized?

  5. Anonymous1/17/2009

    I am scared to click!
