Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sotomayor is only for some Amendments, can you guess which one she doesn't like?

Here is a link to a story about the potential next Supreme Court Justice appointed by Obama.

Basically, Sotomayor says that the states get to choose whether or not to follow the Second Amendment.  She bases her decision on a poor interpretation of a previous decision back in the 1800's (read the story if you want to know more). So I wonder what other rights the states get to choose to allow citizens to have?
  • Does she think that the states can choose to get rid of the right of trial by jury?
  • Since the newspapers are dying, do we still need a freedom of the press? Outdated if you ask me.  
  • Maybe the 13th amendment, you know the one outlawing slavery, is actually a state decision.  Then white people could be enslaved as well, making the world a much more fair place to people like Sotomayor.
  • How about poll taxes?  Can some states charge to vote?  Then only rich elites could vote. That sounds like a good state right.
Would the states choosing rights extend beyond the amendments? Could the states also have fun with other parts of the Constitution such as Article IV? Maybe people can begin to flee from one state to another when committing crimes?  Instead of a city of refuge we could have entire states! This could be a way for states to get people to move in and increase tax revenue.

So, what silly extra part of the Constitution do you want to give to the states?  I think Sotomayor should be a verb to describe the action of taking a section of the Constitution of the US and giving it over to the states.  
With that in mind, what part of the Constitution do you want to sotomayor (extra credit for which state as well and why)?  


  1. I firmly believe in states rights, I firmly believe that great harm was done to this nation after the civil war (contrary to popular belief and what our history books tell us, it really wasn't about slavery), however, the constitution is what the states agree to when they join the union. I also believe it is the states responsibility to say no to the feds when the feds overstep the constitution too. Basically, there is no messing with it be it states or feds. It says was it means and means what it says. I've noticed that the media has been rather quiet about Sotomayors stand on abortion (she is for it including partial birth judging by her history).

  2. Sure the media has been quiet. The idea is that she is a moderate, at least that is what they say.

    I agree with the ideas on state rights. I simply am not in favor of judges telling states that they have a choice in which parts of the constitution still apply to them. Unfortunately very few people seem to take the 10th Amendment seriously, where the "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

  3. scary women, actually the whole adminsitration is scary. Its almost like comunist Germany when Hitler took charge.

    Lets hope this is the only judge he gets to pick and the others keep her in reig, or geesh lets hope congress has the sense to not let her be on the supreme court to begin with.
