Sunday, January 25, 2009

Crazy Bill

Bill Ayers was recently interviewed by an NBC affiliate in Chicago (here is the story) regarding Obama winning the Presidency. I won't go through the article, you can read it if you want, but do want to point out a few things.

Here is a direct quote from Ayers:
"I couldn't stop crying a couple of times. I found the exact spot where I was beaten 40 years ago," Ayers said. But I've never been in a crowd that large that wasn't edged with either anger or drunkenness or gluttony, and it was really an extraordinary feeling."

I think that quote would say more about Ayers himself than it does about Obama winning. The context of the quote is Ayers standing in the same place in Chicago where he lead riots and against the Democratic convention back in '68. I guess he is used to being with angry drunks.

Then there is this quote by his wife:
"Without the struggles of the 60s ... there would be no President Obama," Dohrn

I guess they figure that if it wasn't for their terrorism (which they call "activism"), Obama would not be President today. The ends justify the means, it appears. How they never went to jail I will never understand.


  1. Anonymous1/26/2009

    It's an interesting dichotomy to consider. His candidacy and election may partially be a product of the struggles of the 1960s (I tend to give him more personal credit than that), but President Obama has stated on more than one occasion that he wants to move beyond the old battles of the 1960s. It is his belief that this era of turmoil is what led to the harsh ideological divisions that we see now in America. Perhaps a younger generation can see past it and begin to bridge the chasms that divide us.

  2. I don't deny that President Obama got elected partially from the actions of Martin Luther King, et al. However, the actions of Ayers is simply criminal in my mind. He did nothing to help the President in his actions in the 60's and 70's.
    I would love to see America united, but I doubt that will happen in my lifetime. Having seeing the sexist treatment that both Clinton and Palin took during the primaries and election, was disturbing. Both sides brought out sexist arguments, based not on their actual opinion of the candidate but based on which side of the aisle they sit on.
    I have a feeling America has a way to go.
