Friday, January 23, 2009

Kardelen sleeps underwater

About 45 minutes ago, I was sitting in the living room and I heard splashing. Curious, I went to find the source of the sound. In the girls room I noticed that the ceiling had sprung a leak, and water was flowing freely. Kinda like a room flowing with milk and honey, only it was warm water instead of milk and honey. And it was 11:00 or so at night. Antics ensued.

Heather may post on this later. I think she took a picture or two. I don't remember.

Luckily, the girls themselves were never hit with water. Sofia is asleep, but Kardelen seems a little too awake. We have moved her mattress to our room. We shall see if anyone sleeps much tonight. More antics may ensue. Kardelen is asking to play games right now. I am sleepy, as it is almost midnight.

Heather wants the computer, so I had better go. It sounds like we may be without water for a day or so. I think I am getting used to that.

1 comment:

  1. next time you'd better put your kids to bed in life vests. don't you know better? it's a new standard of safety. all children under the age of 12 should be wearing life preservers to bed (unless they are under 6 mo.) Then they are supposed to sleep with a rubber duckie. Some parents....hmph!!
