Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I get to own a dog park!

This guy wants to create a dog park in the Twin Cities.  And he wants me to pay for it.  
Let me explain.  MN had a constitutional amendment on the ballot this year, which asked if you would like to increase sales tax (by 3/8 of one percent) to pay for things like clean water, arts, culture, and the outdoors. Well I guess a dog park counts as one of those things, because it has been proposed down in the state legistature.  And the aformentioned legislator is the one who proposed it.
This is a perfect reason I am against more and more taxes.  Instead of doing something good, they decide to spend a million dollars on a dog park.  Real important. I can see the debate now.

House Rep 1: We need a dog park.
House Rep 2: Should we help the homeless with our illgotten tax funds?
House Rep 1: No, dogs need an environment that is less stressful and chaotic in the sustainable urban core which they can meander and sniff.  A park is necessary for dogs, for if they sniff and explore in the inner city, they may breathe in fumes and toxins.  In the long run, we will save money by not having to spend money to help the poor dogs that don't have health care.
House Rep 2: Right then. Cheerio good chap (apparently house rep 2 is from England for some odd reason).

So, anyone want to visit my dog park in 2010?


  1. bow WOW! its great if you're a dog.... i guess

  2. Anonymous2/06/2009

    This bill ain't about dogs......... it's about the Met Council encouraging metro parks systems to develop more parks for people who want to get out there and walk with their dog off leash.

    I voted for the amendment, and this seems like a perfectly reasonable use of that money. I'd rather have people in a park like this (where they will pick up the dog's poop) rather than walking around in sensitive natural areas with Fido (where they won't pick up after them).
