Saturday, December 26, 2009

Neon Horse

So, do you like rock music from the 70's to 80's?
Glam Rock?
David Bowie?
But what if you want to listen to something that is Christian?
If that is the case, I have the band for you.
Check out Neon Horse.
They are different. Very good, but different.
Great music to listen to when stealing neighborhood signs, or when changing letters on other neighborhood signs.


  1. What do you think of Southern Christian rock? I really like Disciple. Ever heard of them?

  2. Different is definitely a good word for these videos. Don't mind the music though.

  3. I like some of Disciple, some of it gets a bit too hard for me. When I was younger I liked heavier music more, but as I age my music tastes are slowly becoming more "boring".

    As far as the videos, I got a copy of the CD and hadn't seen the videos yet. I put them in the category of most music videos: I just don't understand what the video has to do with the music.

    It is odd, listening to a new band that sounds so familiar to me.

  4. Ha ha about the neighborhood signs. :)

  5. Very funny about the dress for sucess thing! Haha, yeah that rock music is evil.
