Monday, August 23, 2010

Laughing at

Today I am going to laugh at Not because I have anything against them, but rather that I have an odd sense of humor. So here are a few links to click on. See if you can figure out what I find funny about them. If you know, feel free to comment. In a day or two (or whenever a couple people have guessed) I will reveal what about these items made me chuckle.

Link 1

Link 2
Note: Link 2 actually my wife laughed at, so you have to understand her sense of humor here, not mine.

Link 3

Link 4

None of these may make you laugh if you are a normal, well adjusted human being. If, however, you are like me, you may find unintended humor in odd places.


  1. Alright, link 1 didn't work for me. Link 2 I didn't get it. Link 3 looks interesting but I probably wouldn't buy it. Link 4 the slightly imperfect is hilarious! I hope the Word that I read isn't slightly imperfect. I can assure you though, I am NOT normal or well adjusted.

  2. thats about the same observation for me..... Mainly that they thought 3 was the best and the rest were "imperfect" haha!! Yesterday i made your cheesecake recipe with huckleberry sauce - oh heavenly (perfect)!!

  3. Hilary1/08/2011

    Ok, one thing. Maybe y'all know this or maybe not. But they have "slightly imperfect" items. They are items that have damage so they are marked down. I just thought I would say that...even if i sound stupid if you already knew it.
